Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WWI)

The Treaty of Versailles the ending of WWI because it helped to finalize the with peace in most sides of the world. The role of the destroyer was dumped on Germany because they had lost the war. They were supposedly the ones who caused it all. Britain, France, England, and all the other countries that were involved were heroes to their countries because they actually won the ultimate war that everyone saw needed to be won.

Some historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler. This is most likely said because after the war was over others began to feel that it was their time to fight even though the war was over. They felt that they didn't have part in the war so they wanted their own action in it. That's where Hitler as a fascist with Fascism came from.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

When Mustafa Kemal came to Turkey as their first president he want to make some changes. One of these changes was to change their attire. He didn't like their head attire. It is what's called a fez which was a hat with a tassel. He told them that he didn't like their source of attire. He told them to wear shirts with khakis and shoes at all times and a hat and a jacket. He was basically telling them to wear a suit everyday and minute and when to brush their own teeth. He told them how live their own lives and who to be because your clothes can speak for who you are. This could have made the people fashionable but poor because they could wearing all these fancy near clothes but underneath they were poor because they spent all their money on this nice clothes.

Mustafa wanted to modernize Turkey so that they were the ultimate reflection of he Americas. He liked the messages and image that America was sending out to the world and wanted to have when saying that he owned Turkey. He wanted people to shine when speaking of Turkey as they did of other places.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

When Gandhi saw that his people were being treated unfairly he began to gather with them so they could speak out for their rights and call for peace.

One was his great achievements was to fight back but not with fist but words.

When he started to notice that even though they were protesting for their independence they were still wearing the British clothes. So Gandhi brought all his people together and told them that they could protest against the British while wearing their clothes. He stood there with the only clothes that he had that was note British which was one piece of cloth that he wore around his waist. He told them to stand tall and proud like him with his one garment of clothing because they only spoke for Britain.He told to make their own clothes and wear it with pride.

During a time in the beginning of Indias' search for independence Gandhi had stopped eating and would only drink water until Indias' protest with violence was stopped. It eventually stopped.

Another of his successes was when he created the Salt March. He knew that to take out the British they had to take the cloth out from underneath. The British hold on India was strong because they knew that they needed salt to survive in the heat so they held it under their government. Gandhi then took his people and went to the sea to gather their own salt. They were successful until they again arrested Gandhi to try and stop the flow of the coming independence. The British soon learned that Gandhi had the support of all the people and even while in jail the protest still went on.

While in jail the leaders of India stood the people in rows of four and five to take the walk to the awaiting British troopers. They came and came. And in the end, they won their independence.

Even though the war was said to supposedly to have been over with India being split India and Pakistan for the Hindu and the Muslim, Gandhi was still assassinated. It is said that he was killed because there was another religion in India and they didn't think that it was fair that they didn't have their own country like the Hindu and the Muslim even though Gandhi wanted India to stay as one so everyone could blend together and get along with different religions. Gandhi did not pick sides. He didn't pick religions. He was every person and every religion.