Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

When Mustafa Kemal came to Turkey as their first president he want to make some changes. One of these changes was to change their attire. He didn't like their head attire. It is what's called a fez which was a hat with a tassel. He told them that he didn't like their source of attire. He told them to wear shirts with khakis and shoes at all times and a hat and a jacket. He was basically telling them to wear a suit everyday and minute and when to brush their own teeth. He told them how live their own lives and who to be because your clothes can speak for who you are. This could have made the people fashionable but poor because they could wearing all these fancy near clothes but underneath they were poor because they spent all their money on this nice clothes.

Mustafa wanted to modernize Turkey so that they were the ultimate reflection of he Americas. He liked the messages and image that America was sending out to the world and wanted to have when saying that he owned Turkey. He wanted people to shine when speaking of Turkey as they did of other places.

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