Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WWI)

The Treaty of Versailles the ending of WWI because it helped to finalize the with peace in most sides of the world. The role of the destroyer was dumped on Germany because they had lost the war. They were supposedly the ones who caused it all. Britain, France, England, and all the other countries that were involved were heroes to their countries because they actually won the ultimate war that everyone saw needed to be won.

Some historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler. This is most likely said because after the war was over others began to feel that it was their time to fight even though the war was over. They felt that they didn't have part in the war so they wanted their own action in it. That's where Hitler as a fascist with Fascism came from.

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